It is recommended to review the list of scheduled tasks and disable those that are not necessary for the users. History has shown that optimizing Windows scheduled tasks can improve logon time and server density. Although the tasks do not run continuously, they will impact density when executing and many are irrelevant in a non-persistent VDI environment. Many of the new capabilities within the latest builds of Windows 10 also implements new scheduled tasks. Also, expand the 'CPU' section, to see the 'actual' (not the 'advertised') speed of your i7 processor. Expand the 'Storage' section, and look at the 'SMART' disk-drive self-analysis. Google-search for 'download free SPECCY'. These updates will have an impact on the user experience, especially in a VDI implementation. Some laptops deliberately slow down, to extend the battery. This is a multi-part blog series focused on optimizing Windows 10 VDIĪs we saw in previous blogs, Microsoft added new default apps and services into the base operating system of the Windows 10 Build 1703 (Creator Update).